Posts By Jacqueline Hale

10 Reasons Why Water Filtration is Important

Water is an essential resource that we interact with every day that we consume every time we drink or bathe, and ensuring its quality is vital for our wellbeing. Water filtration plays a crucial role in achieving clean and safe water for consumption and everyday use. From removing contaminants to improving taste and odor, there are numerous reasons why water filtration is important. Whether you’re concerned about the presence of bacteria, viruses, or chemicals, or you simply want to safeguard your plumbing and appliances, water filtration has a lot to offer.

1. Removal of contaminants:
Water filtration systems can effectively remove or reduce contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, chemicals, heavy metals, sediment, and chlorine. These contaminants can adversely affect the taste, odor, and safety of the water, and long-term exposure to them may pose health risks.

2. Improved taste and odor:
Filtration often helps eliminate unpleasant tastes and odors caused by chlorine, sulfur, or other chemical compounds present in the water. This enhances the overall experience and quality of the water, making it more enjoyable to drink and use in cooking.

3. Protection against waterborne illnesses:
Waterborne diseases can be caused by various microorganisms present in untreated or contaminated water sources. Filtration systems, particularly those with fine filters or membranes, can effectively remove or inactivate harmful bacteria, viruses, and parasites, reducing the risk of waterborne illnesses.

4. Safeguarding against chemical contaminants:
Water supplies can be exposed to various chemicals, including pesticides, industrial pollutants, and pharmaceutical residues. Filtration systems equipped with activated carbon or other specialized media can effectively reduce or eliminate many of these chemical contaminants, providing safer drinking water.

5. Preservation of plumbing and appliances:
Filtering water helps protect plumbing systems, fixtures, and appliances from the damaging effects of sediment, scale, and mineral deposits. It can prevent clogging, extend the lifespan of pipes and appliances, and reduce maintenance and repair costs. Plumbing issues attribute to over half of all non-weather water damage claims.

6. Environmental benefits:
Using water filtration systems can reduce the consumption of single-use plastic bottles, as filtered tap water becomes a viable and eco-friendly alternative to bottled water. This helps decrease plastic waste and lessen the environmental impact associated with the production, transportation, and disposal of bottled water.

7. Reduce the effects of hard water on skin, hair, clothing:
Hard water is water that contains high concentrations of dissolved minerals, particularly calcium and magnesium ions. These minerals are present in the water due to the water’s contact with underground rock formations, such as limestone and chalk, which contain high levels of these minerals. Hard water can be attributed to degradation of plumbing appliances, like earlier mentioned, and can also have less desirable effects on your hair, skin, and clothing. Lasting minerals from hard water on your skin can lead to dryness, itchiness, clogged pores, or elevate a sensitivity that can exacerbate symptoms particularly for eczema-prone skin.

8. Increase your awareness to your own plumbing:
Addressing water quality in the home can help you become more aware of your home’s plumbing and have a trickle effect of potential improvements. With more attention and care, you can have more awareness around your plumbing and keep it secure from potential corrosion, leaks, mold, and other issues that can lead to expensive loss or damage.

9. Protect water quality overall:
Water quality standards are regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in accordance with the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) passed by Congress in 1974 to protect our drinking water. According to the EPA, You can help improve water quality just by purely staying and keeping informed.

10. Peace of mind:
Having a water filtration system in place gives peace of mind, knowing that the water you and your family consume and use for various purposes is cleaner, safer, and healthier.

It’s important to note that the specific contaminants present in water may vary depending on the water source and location. Therefore, choosing the appropriate water filtration system that addresses the specific needs and concerns of your water supply is crucial. It’s also important to note that water filtration systems need to be properly maintained and regularly replaced or serviced to ensure their continued effectiveness in removing contaminants.

7 Benefits Of A Water Filtration System

What Are The Benefits Of A Water Filtration System? There is one important safeguard you can use to ensure that your drinking water is safe for you and your family. It’s having a professional water filter installation performed in your home.
Other than the health and safety of your family, there are many other great reasons why installing water filtration system in your home is a good idea.


1. It will taste better!
To avoid having bad-tasting (and smelling!) water coming from your tap, use a water filtration system. It will efficiently eliminate your taste and smell problems.
2. It will remove lead and other contaminants.
One of the biggest dangers of drinking contaminated water comes from lead and other contaminants in pipes. Harmful effects of drinking contaminated water may not be immediately apparent as lead can build up in the body over months before the symptoms become apparent.
Thankfully, an advanced water filtration system can remove this risk entirely!
3. It can reduce the risk of cancer.
Bad drinking water is something that can contribute to many different forms of cancer. Too much chlorine in your water, for example, may lead to bladder and rectal cancer. An advanced water filtration system will remove all chlorine as well as any chlorine byproducts that can pose such a risk to you and your family.
4. It can remove toxins.
There are over 2,100 different toxins that can contaminate drinking water. Consuming toxic substances at high levels can lead to health problems.
A water filtration system in your home can ensure these toxins are not through your drinking water.
5. It will save you money.
While it may be true that bottled water is relatively safe, but it can end up hurting you in the wallet. Bottled water is extremely overpriced compared to what most people spend on a monthly water bill!
Save money every week when you install a home water filtration system!
6. It helps the environment.
Bottled water is very wasteful since plastic must be created for all those bottles. This requires chemical manufacturing processes that can release a lot of pollution into the environment. Plus, plastic is also not biodegradable!
It is a much better idea to simply filter your water from a local source and use a water filtration system to purify it.
7. It is cheap to maintain a water filtration system.
Many of the water filtration systems on the market are specially designed to work without electricity. Once a water filtration system is installed, you don’t need to worry about any additional costs!

Advantages of Using Filtration Systems

The process of filtration greatly reduces the amount of toxic chemicals in tap water. There are over 2000 toxic substances in tap water and by regulations by the environmental protection agencies up to 99.9% are removed from the water. The use of a filtration system is also cost-effective in the sense that people have now migrated to the use of bottled water instead of regular tap water because it is less pure than bottled. Investing in state-of-the-art filtering systems increases the percentage purity of regular tap water and reduces the costs of having to manufacture bottles and purchase bottled water.

Water filtration systems improve the quality of life for both plant and animal life. The human body has up to 70% water and it requires pure and clean water for a healthier livelihood and growth. Pure filtered water also has other health benefits like treating acne and other skin conditions. Pure water is also important in our daily domestic activities like cooking, washing, and cleaning. Without filtration, water has odors or tastes sour due to the presence of impurities. It also makes sure that domesticated animals have clean and purified water. This improves beef and milk production in cows, improves the quality of eggs for poultry, and healthier growth and fur in indoor pets.

Filtration systems create better water for the environment. This is attained when the use of bottled water is reduced and thereby reducing the amount of non-biodegradable substances.

Water filtration systems also prolong appliance life. For instance, water meant for cooling motor engines needs to be filtered as the impurities could react with the internal mechanisms and thereby lessen the life expectancy.

Another advantage is that it lowers health problems common in some individuals. Studies have shown that gastric infections are common in areas where water is poorly filtered. Filtered water is therefore easy on the stomach and reduces health effects.

Residue in sinks, showers, and dishes is due to poorly filtered water. When the water is clean from chemical impurities, the surfaces will remain clean and clothes will retain their ‘newness‘. Everything in the household is cleaner and brighter with cleaner water.

Another advantage of water filtration systems is that they are easy to install and set up. Water filtration installation is an easy process and does not require an extensive knowledge base to construct home-based filtration systems.


5 Different Types Of Water Filtration Systems

Water is a necessity for human life. So it is a concern for many to know where it’s being sourced from. Since water makes up 70% of the human body, it’s vital for us to never compromise on its supply. Thus, people prioritize installing a high-quality water filter system in their homes.

A water filtration system gives people access to clean and healthy water, free of toxins, chemicals, and contaminants. There’s increased exposure to illness or disease without a proper water filtering system. Children, the elderly, and especially people with a poor immune system are at high risk of contracting deadly viruses and infections due to contaminated water.

Let’s discuss the importance of a water filtration system and its different types for various purposes.

What Is A Water Filtration System?

Water filtration removes the concentration of harmful chemical particles, including dust, bacteria, viruses, etc. The system contains a water softener responsible for the process of water filtering.

The whole process is done by reverse osmosis, in which the water is forced to go through filters. The filter allows the water to move along while ensuring that the contaminants and chemicals are left behind.

The Importance Of Water Filtering Systems

Whether the water supply in your home comes from city lines or a neighborhood-based system, it’s crucial to ensure the water you use in your daily life is healthy and safe from prevalent contaminants. An efficient method to tackle such issues is to install a water filtration system.

Water filter systems deliver healthier and pure water than tap water; it’s also more cost-effective and safe than bottled water. Here are the benefits of installing a water filtering system:

  • Lower risk of diseases and other health-related issues
  • Saves money
  • Protection against unhealthy bacteria and viruses
  • Reduces frequent and unnecessary plumbing issues
  • Fewer deposition of limescale
  • Improve water taste

The 5 Types Of Water Filtration Systems

There are five different types of water filtration systems, and your choice of them will determine the quality of your water. Moreover, when tap or other water sources are no longer a reliable option, installing a water filtering system in your space becomes necessary to access clean and healthy water.

Every type of water filtration system addresses a different water issue. Many water filters are often used as a combination to deliver better filtration performance. Here are the different kinds of water filtering systems to choose from:

1. Mechanical Filters

The most basic and standard method of water filtration involves mechanical filters. It’s one of the most common water filtration systems in which the dirt, particles, or any chemicals are removed from the water using a barrier.

The water typically travels through the mechanical filter, and the waste particles are filtered through the synthetic foam and nylon floss. This type of water filtration system is often used as the pre-filtration method.

2. Ion Exchange Filters

Ion exchange filters are the best and most effective water filtering system. The system is designed to split the atoms of contaminated particles, including chemicals, dirt, etc., into ions by taking limescale. The process is best for softening and filtering the hard water with its ion water softener.

This system is often installed in commercial areas to make water digestible for applications where it can be stored at a constant low temperature.

Moreover, the ion exchange is operated through an ion exchange resin that comes in the arrangement of tiny beads. They serve as the filters and trap the necessary contaminants, replacing them with sodium ions that turn water into a clean and suitable form.

3. Reverse Osmosis Filters

Another remarkably effective method of purifying water is reverse osmosis (RO). Its process combines other water filtration systems such as mechanical and activated carbon filters to deliver water with fewer contaminants.

The process is executed by forcing the polluted water to go through a membrane at a specific pressure. The impure particles are left behind while the water is allowed to flow through.

Unfiltered and contaminated water is forced through a membrane to remove dissolved particles (e.g., magnesium, calcium, etc.). The water goes against its natural flow to push the polluted particles out of it. As a result, soft, clean, and digestible water is passed through. Reverse osmosis filters are mostly used in kitchen spaces.

4. Activated Carbon Filters

Activated carbon filters, also called absorption filters, are commonly installed in households. It’s a proven effective filtration method for confining water-borne particles. This type captures polluted particles so readily because it contains a massive internal surface filled with nooks and hooks, making it easier to trap water pollutants.

The activated carbon filters are a bit pricier as they also reduce the taste and odor in water from contaminants. The activated carbon in this filter are granules of charcoal that are extremely absorbent.

5. Ultra Violet Filters

Ultra-violet filters are a unique and helpful water filtration system that operates by divulging water into ultraviolet light. It makes killing pollutants, viruses, parasites, bacteria, etc., easier. This type of water filtering system runs on batteries and is lightweight.

However, they’re not a great choice if you’re looking to filter out heavy water with solid particles. Other than that, it’s excellent for removing tons of bacteria, dirt, and viruses.

These ultra-violet filters work by attracting the microbial cells of bacteria etc., to kill them directly, therefore, purifying drinking water. Using this filter in combination with other filter types to eradicate ubiquitous contaminants such as lead, chlorine, pesticides, and magnesium, delivers you clean, healthy, and soft water.

Types of Filtration Systems Used for Wastewater Applications

Liquid filtration is a process that removes particles and other media of a certain size and larger from liquids. Removing these particles and debris from a wastewater system allows the water to be reused within that system. This type of filtration process is important for a number of different reasons. Reusing the filtered water allows companies to reduce their overall waste, lower their water use, and diminish possible chemical consumption.

When it comes to industries such as the power sector, a considerable number of dissolved solids are typically found in discharged water. Within other systems, for example those in the paper industry, pulp left within wastewater can account for up to 1,000 ppm.

The filters used for wastewater filtration vary from system to system. This is necessary for a number of reasons. First, the condition of the water coming into the system can affect the type of filtration system required. Second, the required purity of the water to be reused after being filtered plays a role in the filter type needed. There are two primary types of filtration in wastewater treatment systems: particle filtration and membrane filtration.

Particle Filtration

Particle filtration is a system that separates solids from liquids using either physical or mechanical means. When it comes to wastewater treatment, particle filtration is commonly one of the first steps in the treatment of contaminated wastewater. This is because particle filtration is designed to remove solids measuring larger than one micron.

There are a number of different filters that can be used within particle filtration. A few options are available because certain aspects of the wastewater to be treated can vary greatly, depending on the system where the water is being used. The characteristics that most commonly affect filter choice include the density of particles, particle size, shape, quantity, and texture. Any other substances present within the water also affect the type of filter required for the system. Three common filter types for particle filtration are bag, cartridge, and self-cleaning filters.

Bag Filters. Bag filters are a great option for smaller applications and systems where minimizing waste is important. As the name suggests, bag filters are in the shape of an elongated bag. Wastewater goes into the bag, where the solid particles from the water are caught, allowing only clean water to flow through the bag’s pores to the other side.

Different sized particles can be caught depending on the system’s needs by using bags with different sized pores. Housings for this type of filter can vary, holding only one bag or multiple bags at the same time. Multi-bag filtration allows for a higher flow rate within the system.

Bag filters are an ideal option for those looking at cost-effective filtration, such as those in industries where the cost that accompanies self-cleaning filtration systems would not be appropriate. This design also accumulates less total waste than other filter systems. While bag filters are a great option for many, they do not have the same versatility as other filters, such as cartridge filters.

1. Cartridge filters come in many different materials, shapes, and ratings. Some examples include pleated, melt-blown, string-wound, and membrane, with ratings from 100 micron to less than 1 micron. Courtesy: Commercial Filtration Supply

Cartridge Filters. Utilizing pleated fabric or another type of screen, cartridge filters are a modular type of filter (Figure 1), meant to trap particles and even chemicals through the filtration process. Cartridge filters are typically separated into two categories: surface filters and depth filters. Surface filters retain particles on the surface of the liquid, while depth cartridge filters use a thick media, meant to create a twisted path that retains particles. Cartridge filters are considered to be very versatile and are used in a wide number of applications.

Self-Cleaning Filters. Commonly considered one of the most useful aspects of these filters, their ability to clean themselves sets them apart from other filters. Highly demanded and able to be customized with a number of different sizes and materials, self-cleaning filters are ideal within systems that cannot be shut down for cleaning purposes. Self-cleaning filters typically utilize backwashing or mechanical processes for the purposes of removing debris.

Membrane Filtration

Membrane filtration is commonly used when particle filtration alone is not sufficient for water reuse. The treatment and steps required to process the water can change greatly depending on what the end goal for the water is. The cleaner the water is required to be, the greater the number of processes that must be used. When the highest water quality is required, it is common to see membrane filtration systems being used.

Recent improvements to membrane filtration processes have worked to increase successful operation, while also lowering the cost of the filtration system. Three common types of membrane filtration are reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, and microfiltration.


2. Industrial reverse osmosis systems remove up to 99.9% of salts and contaminants from different impure feed water sources including municipal, brackish, and surface water. The system blocks bacteria, particles, sugars, proteins, dyes, and impurities that encompass a molecular weight of more than 150–250 Dalton. Courtesy: Commercial Filtration Supply

Reverse Osmosis. Different membrane filtration systems are used in different applications. For applications that require the reduction or removal of dissolved solids, reverse osmosis filtration is recommended (Figure 2). The reverse osmosis process also helps remove or reduce the presence of very small organic particles. In fact, reverse osmosis offers the highest level of filtration known, meaning it can help filter out contaminants that other systems may not be able to.

Ultrafiltration and Microfiltration. Processes like ultrafiltration and microfiltration are commonly used as a precursor to reverse osmosis treatment. Ultrafiltration is performed under low pressure, where water is pushed through the small pores of the filter, between 5 nanometer and 100 nanometer. This system helps remove silt, high-molecular-weight organic material, and even pathogens like viruses. Chemicals can be added to the backwash of the filter, aiding further in the cleaning process.

Selecting the Right Liquid Filtration System

It is important to keep a number of factors in mind when choosing a filter system for a specific application. First, micron size requirements will vary depending on the size of the particles needing to be removed from the wastewater. Another aspect of choosing the right filter is the chemical resistance required by the filter. A few other aspects to be considered include the efficiency required of the filter, possible changes in filter media, and sterilization cycles within the system.

The best way to ensure the right filter is used for a particular system is to work closely with an expert. Filtration companies that are able to understand your industry and the processes involved are a must when it comes to optimizing your wastewater filtration choice.

Top 10 Things to Check Before Buying a Water Purifier


Where is your access to water? Is it in the kitchen sink? Then you should consider direct to tap water purifiers. But does the cabinet under your sink have enough space for a water purifier? You should also consider if putting the water purifier to your source would be accessible to everyone.



Sediment Filters, Ultrafiltration (UF) and Activated Carbon water purifiers do not work without electricity and they are useful for homes with bad power shortages. These non-electric storage water purifiers work on gravity rather than electricity. But if you have frequent electric outages in your area, then it is best that you opt for UV and RO water purifiers because of their ample storage. Most UV water purifiers would not work if there is no electricity as it uses electricity for ultraviolet radiation while RO water purifiers are known as an electronic device. It uses electric power to provide enough water pressure for the RO membrane. Before buying RO, check first the power mode to know how much energy it consumes.



The quality of water differs from area to area but the water supplied to some areas is hard water. It means that their water has a high amount of Total Dissolved Solids. TDS in water contains inorganic salts such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, chlorides, bicarbonates, sodium and sulfates. Bacteria, viruses and the TDS dissolved in tap water can cause a negative effect on your health if you consume them in large amounts.


Do you know how contaminated your water source is? Before you head out to purchase a water purifier, it is better if you determine beforehand your water’s level of contamination since the type of water purifier you opt for must depend on the water quality in your area. There are checkup kits available for you to know the water quality in your area or you can even call an expert to do the job.


There are various types of water purifiers but RO (Reverse Osmosis) and UV (Ultraviolet) are the most in-demand in the market. Areas with below 200ppm TDS are suitable for Ultraviolet (UV) water purifiers. In UV water purifiers, the harmful microorganisms cannot reproduce and multiply rapidly with the radiation from the UV lamp. Meanwhile, those who live in areas with hard water, which is above 200ppm TDS, are advisable to get Reverse Osmosis purifiers. Some water purifiers use a combination of RO and UV. The RO membrane removes dead bacteria, viruses and hardness from the water to make it absolutely pure and clean.


Gravity Water Purifiers are also available in the market. It has different types such as Ultrafiltration (UF), Carbon block, Ceramic Block, and Non-Woven Media. Similar to UV, these water purifiers only work on water with below 200ppm TDS.


Nothing is more assuring than a water purifier that has a good water purification aspect. A good purifier provides water that is rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium and trace elements, but it should not end there. The water purifier should not compromise water’s antioxidant properties. It should retain such properties after purification and still ensure your water is free of contaminants. Aside from the fact that dissolved chemicals can be hazardous to our health, these chemicals do not have an odor or any color, so they go unnoticed. All water purifiers clean the normal tap water to make it a drinkable water but RO water purifiers are also known for improving the taste and color of the water.



Consider your family members before buying a water purifier. If you have children or babies in the family then the more you should prefer RO. Most parents buy distilled water for their baby but purified water is also a safe option. Among all water purifiers available, RO is the best water purifier for children and babies as it effectively removes chemical contaminants that could harm them such as Nitrates, Perchlorate, Hexavalent chromium, Arsenic, Lead and Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). RO water is also safe to use for sterilizing baby bottles and feeding equipment.



Since UV and RO are electric water purifiers, they are always installed near a source of water and an electrical point. The ideal distance between the two should be within 3 feet. Water purifiers can be often seen in the kitchen but some kitchens might lack enough space for a water purifier or it can alter the look of the kitchen. If that’s the case then an under-the-sink water purifier is the right one for you. But if you have space for a countertop or you want it wall hung especially if it’s non-electric then you can put it on the counter top or on the wall as long as it’s away from direct heat or sunlight.



Similar to other products, knowing the warranty and return policy of a water purifier is also important to ensure that the water purifier you’ll buy is good quality and doesn’t contain any manufacturing defects. Installing the water filter on your own can void the warranty. Make sure whether your area is covered under the brand’s service coverage. If that product is recommended by your friend, family member, relative, or acquaintance then you can ask about the policy of the brand. You can also check the manufacturer’s website. The poorer the water quality, the more frequent the service is required. However, some brands are so hard to reach when you try to contact them for service so it’s better that before you buy a water purifier, you check the service availability of the brand in your area as well as the credentials of the service provider.



Water purifiers are not one-time investment; they all need filter/lamp replacements. Since the water passes through different stages of filtration inside the removable cartridge, the filtering mediums get clogged after a certain period of time as it does all the work in cleansing the water. The water purifier will not purify water with efficiency once the filters are clogged with lint and grime so it needs to be changed regularly. You need to replace your water regularly to keep it clean, clear, and functioning correctly or else, the flow rate of the water being produced from the water filter system will slow down, resulting in unpleasant taste, odor and taste.


The replacement schedule will be based on the consumption of water in your household, brand/unit of filtration system, amount of water that needs filtering and the hardness of your water source. Some water purifiers come with an alarm that alerts you when you need to change the filter. However, there are also a lot of water purifiers also that don’t tell you so you either replace the filter/lamp too early and spend more or replace too late and risk your family’s health. Ideally, you should replace your filter every 6-12 months or after purifying 3,000 gallons of water. Remember to follow the instructions in your filter’s user manual for more specific time ranges for cleaning and changing.


The replacement cost may vary depending on the type and model of water purifier that you use. You can contact the company for the filter/lamp replacement but there are also some DIY filter/lamp replacements available online. Check out Amazon, Abenson, Shopee and Lazada! There are many step-by-step instructions uploaded on the internet about changing your own water filter, you can simply follow it. However, most filter replacements have long procedures. Some water purifiers have a cheap upfront cost of purchase but the maintenance and repair are expensive so you really have to consider the consumables before buying a water purifier.



Customers’ feedback is not the only important review that matters in finding a good water purifier. Health regulations must be met to make sure that these water purifiers are safe and effective. Certifications by health organizations such as DOH, FDA and EPA play an important role as they perform rigorous testing on water filtration products to ensure that the water coming out from water purifiers is free from the contaminants that could put risk to the consumers. Manufacturers should prove that their products are trustworthy for them to earn certifications.



Having a water purifier at home is unarguably more convenient since there’s no need to buy outside or call for deliveries as well as lifting heavy water bottles. Drinking water is more in-demand when there are many members in the family. Thirst is one of the hardest things to endure but since you know the importance of good health, you’d still prefer to drink purified water than a normal tap water. However, gravity purifiers take time to purify the water and it requires time to time refill since most gravity purifiers don’t have storage.


Meanwhile, RO and some UV purifiers come with a storage so purified water is still available even when there’s no electricity. These convenient purifiers automatically fill up on their own and they give alerts as an indicator when lamps/filters have to be changed. RO water purifiers have many filtration stages but some RO provide an additional stage for hot water which can also be used in making formula or sterilizing baby bottles and feeding equipment.


Moreover, it’s necessary to check if the water purifier provides enough space from the dispenser nozzle since there are dispensers that have very little clearance that taller bottles might not fit easily. The way the water releases is another thing to check. It’s good to consider buying a water purifier that releases water through a push button affair, rather than doing a constant push on the lever.



Various water purifiers offer different benefits such as multiple stages of purification, energy saver features, storage and many more. However, there are some water purifiers that have special features which make them unique or different from others. You will notice it once you compare the list of features of different water purifier brands. Those special features are like additional benefits offered by the brand.



There are many considerations when buying a water purifier. Make sure to consider the 10 things listed above so you can choose what’s best for your family.

3 Plumbing Questions To Ask Before Buying a New Home

3 Plumbing Questions To Ask Before Buying a New Home

3 Plumbing Questions To Ask Before Buying a New Home

Buying a new house is a stressful job but making sure everything is in good working order can stand as a real challenge. The plumbing system is one of the most important parts of the house; having faulty plumbing can cost you a lot of money and have you feeling stressed.  What are the top 3 plumbing questions to ask?


Let’s jump on to the topic and look at the top questions to ask about the plumbing in a new home before you can feel confident in the results. Make sure to ask these questions and get a proper answer with proof to ensure everything is working good. The questions are written below:

  • Question 1: Are there details on the sewer line? it is best if it is replaced. If it isn’t replaced, inspect it properly to ensure no blockage and waste can smoothly leave your house. If you don’t check this, it can cost you thousands of dollars later in life.
  • Question 2: Have there been any leaks? This also includes asking when the original exterior line and interior waterline have been replaced. This might not seem like a major problem, but these small problems can lead to very big problems in the future.
  • Question 3: Are there details on the water heater? You know having hot water is essential. You should know what the condition of the water heater is and when it was installed. An old water heater can have plenty of problems along with costing more in bills. Therefore, make sure to have all the information regarding this.

Although these are the most important questions to ask, you should also ask more questions about the plumbing system to be entirely sure about its condition. You should ask about anything that should be known about the plumbing system inside and outside the house so that there is nothing left to ask.

Things you should check about the plumbing system before buying a new house

Yes, asking questions is important before buying a new house, but physical inspection is very important as well. As plumbing issues are the most common ones that new homeowners face, and we don’t want you to be another victim.

  • Mainly you should check for faucets all over the house to ensure all of them work properly and don’t have any leaks either. You should check for the water pressure, rust, and how long it takes for water to drain.
  • The condition of the water supply pipes is pretty important as well. Check whether the pipes are new or old, their condition, and what material they are made up of. Different materials work differently as pipes; some should be replaced more quickly than others.
  • You should check the basement as most problems arise in the basements or crawl spaces. Look for any water damage, leaky pipes, and incomplete repairing to see if there is any flooding issue as well.
  • Make sure to watch the toilets as well. Flush to see if it flushes properly and if there is any discoloration at the base. You should also be careful of rocking toilets as replacing toilets can be a hassle, and being careful beforehand is the best.

In conclusion, looking for a house is hard, but it gets easier if you know exactly what to look for and what to ask. Make sure to work hard to have the best quality house without any problems in the near future. If you would like a professional plumbing company to come out and inspect your new property for plumbing issues then contact us today!

The Advantages of Hiring Plumbing Contractors

“Why should I hire licensed plumbing contractors when I can get it done cheaper?”

This is a question that we’re asked frequently.  But if you’ve turned on your faucet today and clean water has flowed, or if you’ve flushed your toilet and it didn’t back up, then you thank a licensed plumbing contractor.

Often people believe that they can save money by cutting corners and either doing their own plumbing, or hiring an unlicensed handyman.  And, quite honestly, sure…that IS something that you can do, however, here are five reasons to consider hiring a plumbing contractor:

1.  They are licensed.  The Florida Plumbing Contractor licensing process is so rigorous that only 30% of people taking the exam pass the first time.  There are two parts to the exam (business and finance and trade).  In addition to passing the exam, licensees must submit a personal credit report with a net worth of $2,500-20,000, depending on the classification.  As licensed plumbing contractors, All American Plumbing Services has the training and experience necessary for basic repairs, reconstruction and new construction.

2.  They are experienced.  Florida plumbing contractors must document at least 4 years of prior experience, as well as taking and passing continuing education classes throughout their careers.  This means that we’re up to date with the codes necessary to keep you safe and do the job right.

3.  You’re protected.  By hiring a licensed professional, you can be assured that certain legal and financial standards are maintained.  For instance, in order to be licensed, each candidate must pass a criminal background check.  Additionally, a minimum of $100,000 worth of bodily harm insurance and $25,000 worth of property damage must be carried by all licensed plumbing contractors.

4.  Legalities.  Most plumbing work is required by law to be done by a licensed professional plumber.  If you hire someone who isn’t, not only are you risking shoddy workmanship, but depending on the situation, you could be creating a dangerous situation for yourself and those around you.

5.  Your insurance might not cover unlicensed work.  Using someone who’s not licensed could void your insurance policy.

These 5 reasons for hiring a licensed plumbing contractor give you a peace-of-mind knowing that you are protected from a legal or insurance fiasco. In addition, knowing that you have built a relationship with a credible, experienced and dependable plumber to take care of challenging or simple plumbing situations when they arise is priceless. So go ahead and buy the generic peanut butter, toilet paper or soda, but don’t skimp-out on who takes care of your plumbing no matter how nice the handyman down the street is to you.

Choosing a water filtration system?

Point of Use / Point of Entry

Point of Use or undersink filtration systems filter your water where you use it. These systems focus on reducing harmful contaminants for safer, cleaner and better tasting water. Different systems reduce different contaminants, so pick one that fits your particular needs. Point of entry systems filter your water as it enters your home and focus on reducing sediment and sand for cleaner and clearer water eliminating the particles you see in your toilet tank and bathtub as well as protecting your appliances. Some point of entry systems also reduce chlorine taste and odor for better tasting water throughout your home.

Contaminants Reduced

Water Filtration Systems may reduce a variety of contaminants such as chlorine taste and odor, metals, chemicals, industrial pollutants, cysts, VOCs, bacteria and viruses in your water. What is removed is dependent on the make-up of the filters, the design of the system, the water flowrate and the water source. Manufacturers often have their systems and filters certified by third parties such as NSF and Water Quality Association (WQA) to NSF/ANSI standards so you can be confident your system performs as stated. See a system’s Performance Data sheet to learn what it is certified to reduce.

Dedicated Filtered Water Faucet

An additional faucet is provided or may be added to many filtration systems as a designated source for filtered water for uses such as drinking and cooking. As water passes through the filtration system, the flow is slowed down to ensure enough contact time with the filter media for contaminant removal. This allows the main faucet to maintain a regular flow rate for other uses such as washing dishes while the dedicated faucet supplies filtered water at a slower flow rate. There are filtration systems designed specifically to work without an additional faucet if you do not want to add one. Be sure to understand your system’s specifications to make sure it fits your needs.

Types of Filters and Filter-less Systems

Water filtration systems either use replaceable filters to capture contaminants from your water or have a self-cleaning feature that flushes the contaminants (with some water) down a drain.

There are two main types of water filters – encapsulated and open sump. Encapsulated filters are encased in plastic and are typically unique to a system. They are designed for easy, no-mess filter changes by removing and installing with a simple twist. There is no need to turn off the water supply, drain your system or touch exposed dirty filter media.

Open sump filters are filter media with plastic caps at each end for handling. They typically are universal in size so fit into a variety of types and brands of open sump systems. Filters range in media type, micron rating, pleated or non-pleated, and the contaminants they remove. Which filter you choose depends on your water issues and safety concerns.

Self-cleaning systems can be programmed to cycle at a designated interval, require a power source and a drain nearby. These systems typically require a higher upfront investment but require little to no maintenance long-term.

Filter Change Indicator Light

Typically located on the dedicated filtered water faucet and battery-powered, the indicator light activates when it is time to replace your filters. Look for Whirlpool® Filtration Systems with the EZ-Change™ Indicator light for this feature. Replacement Filters for Whirlpool® systems include a replacement battery for your convenience.

Working with Water Softener Systems

All water filtration systems can be installed in addition to a water softener for a complete water treatment solution. If you have heavy sediment, installing a whole home filtration system before your water softener may be a good idea. Point of use filtration systems can be installed anywhere you want safer, better-tasting, drinking water – such as your kitchen and bathroom sinks, refrigerator or ice maker.

Importance of Water Filtration and Purification

Water is an absolute necessity of life. It makes about 60% of your body and is involved in many essential body functions ranging from regulating body temperature to flushing out toxins and protecting body tissues, joints as well as the spinal cord. Water also plays a critical role in carrying out many of the body’s chemical reactions. Without water, parts of your body such as the skin would lack its proper shape and fullness. This article will go into detail about the importance of water filtration so that you’re drinking the best quality of your water to keep you healthy.

Importance of Water Filtration and Purification

Due to the high risk associated with impure water, the demand for water filtration has never been higher. Our natural resources are also under pressure, as we grapple with pollution, climate change, and a rapidly growing population. Unfortunately, tap water, which is meant to be safe for drinking, can be quite harmful as contaminants affect overall water quality.  Additionally, physical, chemical and microbiological impurities from various water sources make water even more unsafe for consumption.

Boiling water used to be sufficient enough to kill many germs and bacteria, making it safe to consume. However, things have since changed as boiling water, even for more than 20 minutes will not get rid of new age contaminants such as pesticides and other dangerous chemicals that find their way into our water sources. That’s why it’s crucial to understand the importance of water filtration, and purification options to keep your families drinking water safe. Water filters remove bacteria and harmful chemicals which can cause diseases and poor health. Here are some of the reasons to filter your water:

Reasons to Filter Your Tap Water

  1. Filtering water can result in not only better tasting, but also better smelling water by removing chemicals, pesticides, chlorine, bacterial contaminants and heavy metals.
  2. Point-of-use water treatment filters remove a wide range of contaminants from drinking water including chlorine, chemicals, and up to 240 other volatile organic compounds.
  3. Research has established that water filters reduce the risk of certain cancers including colon cancer, rectal cancer, and bladder cancer by ridding water of chlorine and chlorine by-products.
  4. Carbon water filters are designed to selectively remove toxic contaminants from drinking water and still retain healthy mineral deposits that help to balance the pH of drinking water.
  5. By removing giardia, e-coli and cryptosporidium, water purification systems like reverse osmosis technology have been shown to reduce the risk of gastrointestinal disease by more than 80%.
  6. Filtered water is vital for children as it provides, clean, healthy water that’s essential for their immune systems.
  7. Water filters act as the last line of defense against over 2,100 known toxins that may enter the body through drinking water.
  8. Drinking clean, filtered water leads to general overall wellbeing and also helps to prevent disease.

Bottom Line

Given the significance of water in sustaining life, it’s no surprise that access to clean water is a basic human right. Your body needs safe drinking water for it to remain healthy. Impure water, on the other hand, can be very deadly. That’s why the importance of water filtration is incredibly high. Water filtration experts at Reclaim Water will be able to help you with anything ranging from whole-house water filtration systems to water softeners to improve the water quality in your home.