How To Choose The Right Water Filter & Water Treatment System For Your Home

Right Water Filter

Know about the different water treatment systems and filters and choose the perfect one for your loving home.

Water plays an essential role in every aspect of our life. We need water for different reasons every day. So, it’s needed to be well managed. Polluted water harms our health and causes many diseases. To avoid the usage of impure and contaminated water, we should use water only after filtering it. Nowadays, boiling water isn’t that effective as the new age contaminants might remain in the water even after boiling it for more than 20 minutes. That’s why filtration is a must to have pollution-free water.

Water filtration can be done in many ways. The systems requirement may vary from one family to another. You can choose one of the many systems by analyzing what type of filtration you need. There are two types of water filter for home use:

  • POE (Point-Of-Entry) Systems: It is used for treating all water entering the home. It is connected to the pressurized storage tank or the water meter.
  • POU (Point-Of-Use) Systems: This type of filter treats the water right at the point of use. This system includes faucet filters, water pitchers, and reverse osmosis (RO) systems.

Choose the type which fulfills your demand after considering the matters below:

  1. Find Out The Problem

Before choosing the right water filter for your home, you need to determine what is causing the water impurities. Even many times, the water that seems clean to us contains heavy metal, which is no less harmful. Consult with the authority and test the water if you feel the necessity.

If you find heavy metals in your house water and feel the need to own a filter, check heavy metal water filter reviews to understand better which one you need.

If you have a well at your house, it’s better to try testing the water independently. It will give you the result timely, and you will be able to avoid the problem sooner.

  1. Mark The Contaminants You Need To Reduce

Check and decide which water contaminants you want to reduce. That’s how you will be able to install the correct water filter for your home. Based on the testing result, determine which specific contaminants you will like to reduce. Keep in mind that all filters are not capable of getting rid of all pollutants.

  1. Choose The Type Of Water Filter You Will Like To Inaugurate

Now, you will have to choose a water treatment solution. You can choose both POE or POU filters as per the requirement.

POE Systems

To keep all water in your home pollution-free, you might like to choose the whole-house system or the POE systems. Such as:

  1. Whole-House Chlorine Filters

Chlorine is usually used for disinfecting the city water to eliminate waterborne diseases. But it produces harmful byproducts combined with organic matter. Chlorine filters absorb chlorine by using carbon filtration. It gives the whole house clean and chlorine-free water.

  1. Water Softeners

Water softeners filter water using ion-exchange technology. It reduces the level of magnesium and calcium from your tap water. To save your time, energy, and money, this filtration system can be a great choice.

  1. UV Microbiological Treatment System

To remove microbiological contaminants, the UV microbiological treatment system is very effective. It’s a safe and chemical-free disinfection system. UV exposure makes the microorganisms harmless even if they are chlorine-resistant.

POU System

There are many water filtration options if you want to select POU systems. Some POU systems that may seem good for filtering water are as follows:

  • Pitcher, dispenser, or pour-through filters
  • Plumbed-in to separate faucet systems
  • Personal water bottles
  • Faucet mount filters
  • Under-the-sink or plumbed-in systems
  • Under-the-sink systems piped to a separate faucet type.
  • Refrigerator filters
  • Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration Systems
  1. Pitcher, Dispenser, Or Pour-Through Filters

Pitcher-style filters are perfect for filtering heavy metals. They are appropriate for small households. These filters use carbon filter technology. It can be installed easily. The filters need to be changed every three months. These pitchers require regular filling.

  1. Faucet Mount Filters

If you want a free flow of clean water for cooking and drinking, you might like to select a faucet mount water filter. These filters pull toxins and treat the contaminants while the water is passing through the tap. These filters are preferable for renters as they are self-installed filtration systems.

  1. Under The Sink Or Plumbed In Systems

Under-the-sink or plumbed-in systems are more upgraded water purification systems. It is effective for reducing specific toxins. Most of these have carbon block filters. It is installed under the kitchen sink. It has many additional options that can filter the sediments and minerals, along with targeting specific contaminants. It’s a very potent filtration system.

  1. Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration Systems

Reverse osmosis water filtration systems are very popular these days as they can block the toxins which other filters can not. It is the only water filtration system certified by the NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) for reducing harmful particles like fluoride, nitrate, copper, lead, etc.

After Works

When you are done choosing the right water filtration system for your household, let’s get ahead with the installation. Always pick a certified filter system. Consider the maintenance and purchase cost of the one you need.

Now it’s time for installation. POU and POE systems are generally easy to install, but you may hire a professional if it looks difficult for you. Remember to maintain the systems according to the manual. Keep track of the filter’s replacement so that you might not have to use the contaminated water even for a single day.

Filtration of water is necessary for all of us as nowadays, most areas often have contaminated and sometimes polluted water. A water filtration system gives you the certainty of having pure water to use. Choose wisely and use your preferable water filtration system to develop your way of living by remaining healthy.

Pick your filter and drink healthier!


Filtered Water vs Purified Water: What is the Difference? | FloWater

From UV light systems, to reverse osmosis water systems or a charcoal water filtration system, there are many ways to filter and purify drinking water. But what is purified water and how can you still get beneficial minerals in your pure water without the inorganic minerals, heavy metals, and harmful contaminants?

All purified drinking water has been filtered, but that doesn’t mean all water that’s been filtered is considered pure. Although similar in sentiment, there are significant differences between the two. Water sources have varying levels of filtration depending on if you’re drinking tap water, bottled water, or actual purified water. Actual purified water can remove many water imperfections such as bacteria, algae, fungi, parasites, metals, and chemical pollutants. By understanding the basics of water filtration, you’ll easily identify the difference between what is purified drinking water vs. filtered water. These are all essential things when looking for indicators of water quality.


Each municipality follows certain regulations for its tap water, which means water quality isn’t the same across the country. For example, California has faced water quality challenges in the past due to high levels of arsenic, nitrates, and other pollutants in its water system from agriculture.

The same kind of harmful contaminants, in addition to lead and radiation, have also affected Texas drinking water, making it harmful to drink. This is more common among rural areas since over half of the state’s water supply comes from groundwater that is contaminated by oil fields. Both states’ water supplies are also affected by saltwater, a factor that makes it unfit for human consumption if not filtered properly. These are only two examples of the various water sources and conditions that states face.

Each area has a different level of contaminants found in its tap water, which can be checked through the Environmental Working group’s website. The non-profit organization performs a quality analysis of drinking water of over 30 million state water records. Simply type in your zip code and it will show how many contaminants and which sources (including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) are used to gather data.

During the filtering process, contaminated water is subject to municipality standards, which are affected by age and condition of pipes and filtration systems. Despite the most stringent filtering process, trace contaminants and impurities are often still left behind. Knowing the facts can help you make smart decisions whether you are drinking tap water while pregnant or trying to decide if you want to invest in the best faucet filter.


Many bottled water brands boast 99% filtration but at what cost to the consumer and to the planet? Plastic waste has been a rising environmental issue over the past decades as bottled water sales have increased. It takes hundreds of years for plastic waste to naturally decompose, which has caused landfill overflows and a direct negative impact on ocean life.

The FDA requirements are minimal when it comes to bottled water filtration information. While it must meet certain standards, the treatment method doesn’t need to be disclosed. Data is rarely readily available on the bottle itself and it may be hard to track down on a company’s website. For example, the standard of quality regulation sets a maximum level of contaminants that are allowed in bottled water and still be considered to drink.

In addition, while the water itself may be filtered, the chemicals from the plastic containers that hold it can be harmful especially in hotter temperatures. Most brands have made the switch to BPA-free water bottles to reduce the fear of chemical consumption from bottled water. However, a chemical called antimony is used to manufacture polyethylene terephthalate (PET), which is found in most bottled water available. In high doses and on hotter days, the chemicals in plastics can break down and contaminate the water. As you can see, the bottled water cost is more than just monetary.


The water filter technology found in Flo Water’s Refill Stations covers a seven-step filtration process to result in purified, safe drinking water that tastes crisp and refreshing. Each phase of filtration has its own purpose from removing trace chemicals and pollutants to adding electrolytes back to the now clean water for advanced hydration. This is why people are purchasing a purified water system for home as it ensures you only drink clean water.

Water purification is achieved through the first three filters: sediment, carbon, and advanced reverse osmosis. As the water progresses through each stage, dirt, dust, rust, and other impurities and contaminant that comes from tap water are removed. The carbon filter removes even smaller particles, such as chlorine and sulfide, which removes odors and unpleasant tastes. The third purification stage removes bacteria, lead, and other contaminants through advanced reverse osmosis. Between these first stages, the purification process is five times more efficient than anything else available.

In the next three stages, the water is sanitized via activated oxygen and improved through an alkaline enhancement of ten trace essential minerals. The alkaline filter also helps to neutralize the acid by balancing the pH levels of the water. This helps to relieve stress on the body. Then, the electrolyte filter adds in magnesium, sodium, calcium, and potassium to fortify the water.

The final step within the water purification system is the unique coconut carbon filter that absorbs any contaminants and odors to result in purified water that tastes fresh, crisp, and clean every time. This water purification method specifically shows the levels of filtration so you can feel confident you’re drinking the best-tasting and purest water available. The refill station also reduces plastic waste and promotes a healthier carbon footprint on the environment.


Hydration is a concern for everyone, which means having a reliable, drinkable water source is key. Purified water is available through advanced technology that removes chemicals, contaminants, and other impurities that are often still found in tap water and from the production of plastic bottles. Knowing the difference between the different levels of filtered water vs. purified water can help you make a more favorable choice next time you drink water.

5 Filtered Water Benefits You Might Not Know

Filtered water was once considered more of a luxury but now has become a mainstay for millions of households and businesses. Unfortunately, tap water isn’t always reliable and certain areas have marked their city’s water unsafe for consumption. Since the quality of tap water varies, the reliance on filtered water allows people to stay hydrated without running the risk of consuming chemicals, pesticides, or other pollutants. Removing contaminants is one of the top benefits of water purification.

In addition to chemicals, tap water from the tap often contains dirt, suspended solids, viruses, and bacteria. Any mix of these elements can cause serious illness; plus, it doesn’t leave the water with a pleasant taste or odor. Water that has gone through a thorough filtration process eliminates any traces of harmful particles deemed toxic for the body and leaves behind only pure freshness.

Having a reliable healthier alternative to tap water prompts better health and wellness for everyone. Here are five additional ways filtered water benefits you, if you think it might be time to make a switch.

Delivers a Cool, Crisp Taste

The temperature and purity of water make a difference in how it tastes. There are filtered water options water filtration systems that remove main impurities but not all, leaving behind small particles and lingering odors. Purified water from Reclaim Water’s Refill Station goes through an advanced, seven-step filtration process to remove 99% of all contaminants and is chilled to 42° to achieve its optimal temperature and crisp taste.

The final step of the coconut carbon filter is also responsible for its remarkable freshness. The importance of water filtration is more than just great taste. The better the water tastes, the more likely you are to consume it, which leads to the next benefit.

Promotes Hydration

Filtered water encourages people to drink more water, which is one of the key components of good health. Yet, many people fail to drink it on a regular basis. While the specific amount varies between studies, a general daily goal to stay hydrated should be eight, 8-oz. glasses of water a day. Many times people opt to drink coffee, sports drinks, or other beverages in place of water, which can lead to dehydration.

There are numerous side effects associated with dehydration, such as headaches, fatigue, and dry skin. It can also make you more susceptible to illness, such as the flu because your body isn’t functioning as well as it could be.  Reclaim Water provide crisp, cool water on-demand. It contains electrolytes people want and normally turn to sports drinks to get.

Reduces Plastic Waste

Choosing to drink filtered water over bottled water makes a difference in your health and the planet. The increase of plastic waste has grown to a point where analysts predict more plastic waste than fish in our waters by 2050. This is due to the fact that most plastic doesn’t get recycled, especially plastic bottles. When this happens, landfills overflow and the excess ends up in the ocean. The plastic that stays on land takes hundreds of years to decompose naturally.

Drinking filtered water from reusable bottles helps protect the environment from further pollution. Refill stations are becoming more common in busy areas like gyms, airports, and hotels, which makes it easier to get water on-the-go without resorting to buying bottled water. It’s a more sustainable option for the environment and the consumer. All you need is a single water container that you can use repeatedly to get the hydration you need.

Provides a Cost-Effective Solution

Drinking bottled water comes at a cost, especially when compared to tap water. The trade-off for enjoying purified water doesn’t have to be expensive. The Reclaim Water Refill Station delivers a high capacity of great tasting water for a large crowd without having to buy an endless amount of bottled water or constantly swap out water cooler jugs.

Due to its cost-effectiveness, these stations are popular at places of work, concerts and outdoor events, and other areas and organizations where groups of people want access to filtered water. Since the station holds seven gallons of purified drinking water at all times, there’s endless availability regardless of how many people are benefiting from the supply. No more waiting in long lines to fill up or worrying about spending money on bottled water that runs out too quickly.

Improves Health and Wellness

One of the best advantages is how much it contributes to proper health and wellness. Water not only promotes hydration in the body, but it also helps to detoxify, reduce acidity, and keep the body’s joints and organs functioning as they should. One of the seven filters used in the advanced purification system is the alkaline enhancement filter, which adds ten trace minerals to the water to help neutralize acidity by raising the pH level.

Acidity can easily build up in the body due to certain foods, stress, and other environmental factors. To combat this, the alkaline filter helps to create better balance in the body. This addition is yet another way that filtered water benefits us far greater than regular tap water.

There’s a thread between everything that’s positive about drinking filtered water. A refreshing, clean taste drives people to drink more water, which in turn, improves hydration. The increased desire to reduce the amount of plastic waste that comes from bottled water leads people to look for alternatives. Reducing the number of plastic bottles we use, it lowers the cost required to have purified water available. It then all comes full circle by allowing us to focus on doing what’s best for our health and creating a lifestyle of wellness.

Alternative Filtered Water Solutions and Their Disadvantages

There are several ways to get filtered water, each has its own unique benefits. You can buy bottled water or attach a filtration system to your faucet. Reverse osmosis has also become a popular way people have begun to drink more water. While all of these provide better-tasting water than what’s found in the tap, they also have their own disadvantages.

Bottled Water

The plastic used for bottled water plus the energy it takes to produce it is bad for the environment. It’s not energy-efficient or sustainable. Additionally, there are studies that have reported the possible danger of drinking bottled water when it reaches a certain temperature. Plastic chemicals could leach into the water making it unsafe to drink. This option continues to negatively affect the planet and isn’t a feasible solution for people who don’t want to continuously buy cases of bottled water to drink filtered water.

Home System

Investing in a home water filtration system may be a simple solution but not the most effective. Depending on the quality of the system and how its water filtration works, it may not filter out residual pesticides, bacteria, and mold that may be found in the water. Many people opt for using a filtered water pitcher with a water filter, which is less convenient than other options since it takes quite a while for enough filtered water to be ready, especially if you’re supplying a bigger crowd.

Reverse Osmosis

Reverse osmosis is another option. This process purifies water but doesn’t preserve the valuable electrolytes or minerals that make water healthy for you. Since there’s no way to track what stays and what goes during filtration, many of the natural elements that are beneficial are lost. So though it’s filtering out the bad elements, it’s also filtering out the good. Also, you must have the right type of water pressure in order for this kind of system to be effective.

Drinking filtered water benefits you in more ways than you might have originally imagined. With the majority of people relying on it as their main source of hydration, consider the value of an electric water delivery system that maximizes all of the positive traits other options types of filtered water provide and removes any negative aspects from the equation.

Benefits of Reclaim Water’s Seven Steps of Filtration

By implementing advanced technology, Reclaim Water provides a sustainable option that is convenient and cost-effective. The advanced purification system ensures that impurities are filtered out and healthy minerals and electrolytes are added back into the water. Through the three stages of filtration – purify, improve, finish – each of the seven filters adds to the water in a way that makes it the best-tasting water available.

  • Purify – Sediment filter, Carbon filter, Advanced Osmosis filter
  • Improve – Activated Oxygen filter, Alkaline Enhancement filter, Electrolyte Enhancement filter
  • Finish – Coconut Carbon filter

The first three filtration steps are focused on transforming tap water to make it as pure as possible. The Sediment filter removes impurities and other toxic substances that are found in the water and pipes. The second filter captures smaller particles, such as chlorine, and eliminates lingering tastes and odors from the water. In the final step of the purification stage, a semipermeable membrane retains and disposes of any remaining pesticides, viruses, and other contaminants.

The next filters add minerals back to the water to improve the taste and support healthy body functions. As part of the improvement stage, the water is also enhanced with electrolytes that may have been stripped out during the purification process. The process finishes with a Coconut Carbon filter that seals in a delicious, crisp taste.

With every step, ordinary tap water changes to what results in cool, refreshing, purified water. Even with multiple choices available to get filtered water, nothing quite meets the standard of benefits that Reclaim Water provides.

Top 5 Reasons You Should Get a Water Filtration System

Water filtration systems are becoming more common in American households, and for a good reason. Although tap water is clean and safe to drink when it enters your home, it is often cleaned with chemicals that can be dangerous to your health if absorbed in high quantities.

Even if you aren’t drinking tap water, you can absorb chemicals through your skin. A water filtration system can help reduce contaminants and give you cleaner, healthier water to use.

Although there are many different reasons to install a water filtration system in your home, this article will focus on the top five:

1. Remove Contaminants from Your Water

Water filtration systems are highly effective when removing unwanted substances from your water. Unlike water softener systems which only target minerals found in hard water,  filtration systems also remove chlorine, fluoride, sediment, calcium, and other minerals and chemicals.

While the presence of these substances usually won’t cause illness or severe health problems, they aren’t necessary and can impact the taste of your food and the health of your hair. If you are curious what chemicals may be lurking in your water, look up your city’s Consumer Confidence Filing for a full report.

A water filtration system can remove these substances from your water, leaving you with water that tastes better, smells better, and is healthier for you and your family. However, it is important to do your research, as not all filtration systems are created equal, and some are only keyed to remove certain contaminants.

2. Get Healthier Hair and Skin

When you think of clean water, you probably think of drinking water first. But there are other important ways you use water in the home, including washing your skin and hair. While it may seem less obvious, chemicals and contaminants in your water can impact your hair and skin’s health, look, and feel.

Different chemical levels will impact hair and skin differently, but common complaints from users of unfiltered water include dull hair and skin, dry hair, and even itchy skin.

While a clean source of drinking water is often top of mind, clean bathing water is just as important. A filtration system will make sure that your hair and skin are cleaned with water free of unwanted substances.

3. Increase the Lifespan of Appliances

Of course, you want the water you use and drink to be clean, but what about the water running through your pipes and appliances?

Water containing unwanted minerals and chemicals can prematurely wear down appliances that regularly use water, such as your dishwasher and washing machine.

Showerheads and pipes can also be damaged by unfiltered water through the build-up of mineral deposits or corrosion. In some cases, unfiltered water can even start to leave spots in your shower, inside your washing machine, or even on your clothes.

Filtering out unwanted substances with a water filter system is an affordable and effective way to protect your family and your appliances.

4. Save Money

There are several ways water filtration systems can save you money. First, you can stop spending money on bottled water because the water coming out of your tap will be just as clean.

Many customers of filtration systems report enjoying the taste of filtered water more than bottled water. You’ll also have the added benefit of no longer having to waste all of the plastic that comes along with drinking bottled water.

Another way you’ll save money is on appliance and pipe repairs. As mentioned earlier, unwanted chemicals can cause build-up or corrosion, damaging appliances and leading to expensive cleaning or repair bills.

5. Improve the Taste of Your Food

One of the most common reasons Americans switch from tap water to bottled water is taste. The unwanted chemicals in unfiltered water can significantly impact the quality of the water and its flavor.

Heavy metals often found in tap water are especially detectible to the average person. These chemicals impact the taste of tap water and the taste of the food that you cook with the water.

This contamination is especially true when cooking foods like rice or noodles that absorb all unwanted substances from the water. After switching to cooking with filtered water, you may notice that your food tastes cleaner and fresher.

There are endless reasons to invest in a water filtration system. It is a smart investment that is low maintenance and will yield many health benefits for you and your family. If you are looking to explore options for a water filter system for your home, it can be as simple as searching the internet “water filtration system near me.”

If you are looking for a water filtration system , there’s no need to search. Contact

We can help you find a water filter, and we provide quick installation, expert work, and a one-year guarantee. Call today or fill out our contact form online to get in touch with us about your water filtration needs today.

What is the Best Water Filtration System?

Many industries that are concerned about the security of their water supply depend on a quality water filtration system to enhance their water quality. The question then becomes, what water filtration system do I need?

In order to find the right answer to this question, you should conduct a water test to ascertain which contaminants exist in your water. Most general water filtration applications that include the removal of pollutants (sand, suspended solids, particles, phosphorus, metals) from water sources such as rivers, lakes, and streams require media filters.

Other water bodies that comprise unwanted organic substances, chlorine, bad taste & odor are purified more effectively through carbon filtration. The next section will go into more detail regarding these two primary forms of water filtration.

Types of Water Filtration Systems

As aforementioned, most applications that necessitate the incorporation of water filtration utilize media filters. Water media filters are used to decrease high levels of TSS (total suspended solids and SDI (silt density index), both of which cause a myriad of issues when exposed to businesses or humans.

For instance, suspended solids have been known to lead to turbidity which produces a foul odor, bad taste, color alterations, and overall lower water quality. Commercial establishments such as restaurants that serve beverages will be unable to use such type of water for fear of contaminating their final products.

There are several different kinds of water filtration systems available that are designed for specific requirements. Choosing the right media filtration will rely on various factors that must be determined before achieving ideal filtration results such as:

  • Water monitoring and testing
  • Desired water quality
  • A specified flow rate
  • Degree of suspended solids and turbidity
  • Acceptable level of water for backwashing filtration


Water sources that are prevalent with unwanted odor, taste, and large amounts of chlorine are better suited for removal via carbon water filtration. While carbon water filters alone will not suffice in removing these pollutants entirely, the process will be sufficient in reducing them by a significant degree for further purification with reverse osmosis systems.

RO systems are highly effective in removing these types of contaminants at low levels, but will actually be negatively affected when exposed to high levels. Total organic compounds (TOC) are especially prone to damage water treatment systems and are necessary to treat with carbon water filters before allowing the feed water for complete purification.

The most common method for removing iron from water is to use multi-media filtration. These filters are known for their ability to remove total suspended solids from water, resulting in extremely clean water.


Filing glass pitcher with water from tap

Water is essential to our survival and vitally important for our health. We stay hydrated with it, cook with it, and bathe in it. While you may be thinking that these are all obvious facts, what isn’t always so obvious is what’s lurking in the water that you use every day. Whether you have municipally supplied tap water or use private well water, your water could contain contaminants that negatively impact your health.


Even if your water is free of contaminants, mineral deposits can cause damage to your plumbing and appliances over time, and cause dry and irritated skin. Installing a whole house water filtration system provides a safe, simple, and more affordable solution to ensure that your home has pure water for all your needs. Not completely convinced yet? Below we’ve broken down the 4 main benefits of installing a water filtration system in your home.

  1. Safer drinking water

Even if your water comes from a water treatment plant, it can still contain contaminants like lead, and chemicals like fluoride and chlorine are often added. In fact, most tap water and well water in the United States contain some level of contamination because of pollution. The only way of knowing what’s in your water is by testing it. Installing a water filtration system ensures that you’re drinking and using clean water, and pure water means healthier and better-tasting water.

  1. Healthier baths and showers

While drinking contaminated water is bad for your health, it can be just as unhealthy to bathe and shower in it. Your body still absorbs harmful contaminants through the skin. Chemicals like chlorine, even at levels deemed safe, can also cause skin irritation and dryness. A whole house filtration system installs a filter at the single point of entry where your water supply enters your home. Whether you’re drinking a glass of water from the kitchen faucet, or showering and brushing your teeth in the bathroom, you’ll be using pure, uncontaminated water.

  1. Longer lasting plumbing and appliances

Even harmless minerals in your water (not to mention the harmful chemicals that could be present) can build up over time and wreak havoc on your plumbing system. The appliances your plumbing system utilizes, like your faucets, garbage disposal, and dishwasher can also be negatively affected by hard or contaminated water. Having filtered water flowing through your pipes can help your plumbing system last longer, reducing the costs that can accrue from plumbing and appliance repairs.

  1. Better for the environment (and your wallet)

If you’ve fallen into the habit of buying bottled water thinking that you’re benefiting your health, think again. Repeatedly buying bottled water costs far more than having a water filtration system installed in your home. Plastic water bottles also pose a big threat to our environment—most end up in landfills where they can take hundreds of years to start breaking down. Another downside? Many plastic water bottles contain chemicals that can seep into the water inside, so you’re only introducing more potential contaminants into your body. Installing a home filtration system will give you clean, better tasting water without affecting the environment.


Interested in installing a home water filtration system? Feel free to contact us! Our highly trained water technicians will help you find the best water filtration option for your home.



A whole house water filter is a water filtration system that is used to filter water so it is free of any contaminants. It is usually installed before the water reaches the water storage unit and hence is also called Point Of Entry (POE) system. This ensures that every time you open any water outlet at your house, the water that comes out of it is filtered water. As a result, filtered water gets delivered to your kitchen sink, washing machine, bathroom shower, and even to the toilet.


The best way to decide if a Whole House Water filtration system in Maryland is necessary is to test the source of water and the water itself. The water source either from the municipal water supply, or from a well or other water sources should be tested for parameters like water chlorination levels, bacterial contamination, particle contamination, taste, and smell. If the test result shows up as negative in any of these parameters, a whole house water filtration system is required.

Whole House Water Filter



Whatever be the source of water, it may contain many naturally-occurring contaminants like iron, magnesium, and calcium. Even municipal water supply cannot assure the quality of water and the water reaching your house might not be of the same quality every time. Installing a whole house water filtration system assures the quality of water across all water outlets in the house. The health benefits of this quality water are priceless.


One of the first things noticed about water is its taste and if it’s chlorinated or not. Chlorine has been used as a water disinfectant for many decades – even though it removes most of the bacteria and other microorganisms in water, recent studies have shown that washing with chlorinated water dries the skin, makes hair dull, and ingesting large quantities can be dangerous to overall health. Installing a whole house water filter will reduce the amount of chlorine in household water and will have a positive effect on the skin, hair, and general health and also the taste of water.


Installing a whole house water filter is more economical as compared to buying bottled water. Though there is an initial installation cost, and also the running cost, the final cost of water per liter used is only a fraction of the cost of a liter of bottled water.


Installing a whole house water filter ensures that household appliances like washing machine, refrigerator, dishwasher, water heater, etc., are not exposed to water contaminants. This results in lesser maintenance and a longer lifespan for these appliances.


Installing a whole house water filter ensures your clothes are brighter, and your dishes are film-free.


Installing a whole house water filter is more environmental friendly than using other types of filters or even buying bottled water. This is because, unlike other water filters, a whole house water filtration system does not let out wastewater. To put it clearly, the quantity of water entering the system will remain the same even after the filtration process. It also reduces the carbon footprint by reducing the production and transportation of water in plastic bottles.


Installing a whole house water filter is an easy task primarily because the installation is only at one place before the water storage unit. It does not require any major plumbing changes to be made and hence also makes for faster installation.

If you want to get safe and better tasting water in your house, be sure to call us at (410) 341-6500 today! We have the best water filtration systems in Maryland and can help you find the right one as per your needs.

Nine interesting facts about filtered water

When you start to dig into the research, filtered water is full of surprising and interesting facts!

We’ve pulled together nine interesting facts about filtered water so you can learn more about our favourite subject.

What’s in filtered water is as important as what’s not in it

There’s no denying that tap water contains a whole raft of nasties that we don’t want in our bodies.

But… it also has fluoride, calcium, magnesium and sodium, which are all beneficial to our health.

So, while you want your water filtration system to remove the nasties such as chlorine and other chemicals, it’s really important that your water filter leaves the good stuff in. Our WFA water filters do, so you can be sure you are getting the quality you are looking for.

It tastes better than tap water

Chlorine plays a crucial role in keeping our tap water supply clean and free from bacteria and viruses… but it’s not something you need to be consuming.

Not to mention the awful taste of chlorinated water. Filtered water removes the chlorine and enhances the taste!

It’s good for the environment

Plastic from bottled water is damaging our environment. The production of the plastic uses fossil fuels and energy and the bottles end up in landfill, or worse – in our waterways, causing harm to marine life.

Filtered water is the ultimate solution. You can fill up your own reusable water bottle at home and know that you are not having an impact on the environment.

It’s better for your plants

There are so many uses for filtered water other than drinking, and watering your plants is just one of them. If you’ve ever noticed a thin, white crust on the surface of your soil, it’s likely caused by the harmful minerals and salts found in your tap water.

If the plants are failing to thrive, it could be the chlorine inhibiting their growth.

On the other hand, filtered water has everything plants need to thrive.

Filtered water is not the same as purified water

The terms filtered water and purified water are often used interchangeably, but they are in fact very different. Purified water is water that has been stripped entirely of salts and minerals – even the good stuff!

However, filtered water has had impurities reduced or removed so the good stuff can be left in the water. While it may seem like you should be drinking ‘pure’ water, filtered water is actually much better for you.

Filtered water is good for your gut

Speaking of filtered water being good for you, did you know that it is actually good for your gut?

In order to balance your gut, you need to stay hydrated. The trouble is that chlorine can have a massive impact on your gut flora. And that’s not a good thing.

When you drink filtered water – and plenty of it – not only are you ticking the hydration box, you are also keeping those nasties away, giving your gut the best chance to thrive.

Charcoal is used to filter water

There are actually many ways you can filter water. Carbon/charcoal filtration is one of the best. And it’s the method we use at Water Filters Australia.

Activated charcoal is so effective at filtering water because it uses a process of adsorption (as opposed to absorption) to chemically bind the impurities in the water to the charcoal.

It’s cost effective, easy to maintain, removes the nasty stuff and leaves the good.

Water filtration dates back to 2000BC

Water filtration is nothing new. In fact, the history of water filter systems is quite fascinating.

At WFA, we’ve been providing water filtration solutions since 1999… but the first recorded water filtration dates back to 2000BC in early India and Ancient Greece.

Methods of water filtration have evolved from the early heat and crude straining methods used many thousands of years ago.

Filtering your own water at home will save you money

Saving money is a great thing. Even better when the thing you are saving money on is better for you… and for the environment.

Once you have a home water filtration system installed, you will have free flowing, filtered water. All you need to do is to replace the filter in your system once a year.

Compare that to the cost of buying expensive bottled water and you could be looking at savings of upwards of $5 per litre.

Enjoy the benefits of a home water filtration system

At Water Filters Australia we have a range of quality home water filtration systems which will help you drink more water and save more money. Discover our range for yourself and see what your taste buds have been missing out on!

Read more interesting filtered water facts.

Five reasons why you should purify your drinking water

There are many good reasons for wanting to purify your drinking water. Clean water is essential for every human being and by using a water purification system, you can ensure that the water in your home is always safe, sustainable, and free from unpleasant taste and odor.

Even though access to clean drinking water should be a basic human right, an increasing number of regions face challenges with lack of drinking water resources. The challenge of enabling access to clean and safe water is not limited to developing countries – the United States and Europe also face challenges when it comes to drinking water, such as health concerns, contaminants, taste, environmental issues, and odor.

The good news is that a household water purification system can help you overcome these challenges and ensure clean drinking water right from the tap. In this article, we explain five reasons why you might want to purify your drinking water.

1 Add an extra layer of security

In most industrialized countries, municipal water treatment systems are usually quite effective. However public water treatment is not infallible.  There is an increasing number of incidents where contaminants from pollution, lead from outdated or faulty water pipes or residue from the use of pesticides have found their way into the tap water. Extraordinary weather conditions, such as heavy rainfall, can also put a strain on municipal water treatment facilities.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable to want an extra layer of security to supplement your local or municipal water treatment. You can do this by using a household water purification which can remove a wide range of impurities from the water and will help ensure that you will not end up drinking unsafe water.

2 Remove unwanted contaminants

Lead, pesticides, bacteria, viruses, and many more physical, chemical, biological, and radiological compounds and substances, find their way into the water supply. It is virtually impossible to remove all traces of contaminants from your water, so the local water authorities regulate how much of a specific substance it is acceptable for the water to contain.

While water that lives up to these standards is usually considered safe to drink, you may have your own preference for how high a level of contaminants you feel comfortable having your drinking water contain. A private water purification lets you set your own limits.

 3 Protect your health

Drinking water containing bacteria and viruses can lead to serious health issues and diseases such as diarrhea, cholera, and dysentery. If you live in an area where such diseases are a risk, the most effective way to protect yourself is by using reverse osmosis water purification.

The pore size of the membranes used for reverse osmosis is measured in a nanometer, which is small enough to stop both virus and bacteria. In addition, reverse osmosis also removes common chemical contaminants, such as sodium, chloride, copper, and lead.

 4 Cut back on plastic to protect the environment

The annual consumption of bottled water worldwide can be counted in the millions. 35 percent of Europeans (50 million households) do not drink their tap water, and the use of bottled water has grown by more than 10 percent a year over the last decade. In general, bottled water is considered convenient because it is portable. But that convenience comes with problems and a high environmental cost. Costs such as pollution associated with the manufacturing of plastic, energy, and transportation, as well as extra water use, makes bottled water an unsustainable choice for drinking water.

Drinking tap water is not only cheap but also environmentally friendly. According to the European Commission, access to better quality water can reduce bottled water consumption by 17%. By installing a home water purification system, consumers can access clean drinking water directly in the home in an environmentally friendly way.

5 Improve the taste and odor of your tap water

Being able to drink fresh and clear water with a refreshing taste and no unpleasant odor can have a big impact on your wellbeing and quality of life. One of the most common complaints about tap water taste involves chlorine, which is an essential disinfectant used around the world.  When it comes to odor the most irritating is that of hydrogen sulfide. It smells like rotten eggs.

Water purification can not only help remove harmful containment but also improve the taste, smell, and visual appearance of your drinking water. It reduces the amount of chlorine, soil residue, and organic and inorganic substances.

All in all, water purification is an investment in your health, the environment and a smart way to reduce how much you are spending on bottled water.

Want to learn more about types of water purification solutions? Check out the pros and cons of popular purification solutions or download our e-book ‘The reseller’s guide to water purification by clicking on the banner below.

Water Filtration Systems for Your Faucet

Glass being filled with water from faucet with water filtration system

Water Filteration is a general term that refers to any system or process that is used to filter out particles and pollutants from water. It doesn’t necessarily need to be a purifier to make the cut. Anything that removes any amount of particles, sediment, bacteria, and the chlorine taste can be called water filtration. If it has a filter of any type, it’s a filtration system.

Types of Filtration

Filtration systems can include activated carbon charcoal filters either designed within a pitcher or included as part of a faucet-mount or tap-installed filter, ultraviolet (UV) light units, reverse osmosis, water distillers (whole system or portable counter), or another form of the water treatment process. The term incorporates home filter systems, as well as much larger scale municipal or public water treatment plants. Some appliances are also designed with water filtration features such as refrigerator models which come with onboard filtered water/ice or freestanding water cooler/dispensers.The 11 Best Water Filters

DIY Citrus and Herb Sprays for a Cleaner Green Home

There are many different types of water filters available, and your buying decisions will be influenced by the present condition of your water. If it’s not potable, you’ll need a process to remove or destroy harmful bacteria, minerals, and pollutants for starters. Your local water expert is the best professional to help you evaluate your choices.

Once water testing has confirmed what is in your water, you will be given remedy options to make your drinking water safe (potable). Installation requirements and costs will be discussed, based on needs and whether you own your home or not. Today, there are many choices, and these systems are much more affordable than they were a decade ago.

Keep It Clean

Whether you choose a small filter or a large unit, maintenance is key to keeping that system working efficiently. That means routine filter changes by yourself or by your chosen water specialist. If you have hard water or, for some reason, there is more sediment and particles in your water, it may require more frequent filter changes. Being proactive with care is an important part of any filtration process. Water filtration systems differ in size, price, installation, and efficiency, but they all in some way improve our water’s quality.

What is Hard Water?

When water runs through limestone or chalk, it can build up a deposit of minerals, including magnesium and calcium. Water with a high concentration of such minerals is known as hard water. Soft water, on the other hand, contains low concentrations of these ions.Buyers Guide: 5 Best Water Filters of 2022 - EcoWatch

Home Filters

Water does not need to qualify as not being potable to benefit from some filtration system. One of the biggest consumer concerns is the chlorine taste left by town water treatment plants. It’s a necessary evil that results from measures taken to make your drinking water safe. You can, however, add an economical and simple filter system to reduce that if you wish to. A good alternative is also keeping a filtered water pitcher in the refrigerator.

Note that not all carbon filters, or larger units, have the same efficiency. There are differences infiltration layers or stages, as well as in the quality of materials. That’s where the product details should be reviewed, so you know what the product will do for your water.

The Pur New Advanced Faucet-Mount Water Filter featured is a good example of a simple measure to improve the quality of water. This is a popular choice for many because of its performance, easy install and affordable price.